Monday, June 29, 2020


We were eating breakfast this morning when the power went out.  Thankfully, the generator kicked on.  Jim reported the outage on his National Grid app.  About 15 minutes later, we heard the generator stop and the commercial power was back on.  Then about 9:30, a National Grid van pulls into the driveway to check and make sure everything was okay!  Jim told him the power was back on.  The guy said that although there were outages down the street in another grid, we were the only one in our grid that lost power so he was just making sure all was okay.  In what world does that happen? Amazing!

This morning, we started out outside, moving the old plywood that we had temporarily stored outside back into the pole barn.  Jim put small blocks of wood underneath the pile to keep the boards off the floor and then strapped it to the wall.

Jim moved the snow blower back into its place and moved the Bobcat back in.  Things are looking good in the pole barn!

And the outside area by the auto bay doors is now all clear - ready for some concrete forms soon!

A few days ago, we heard the sound of a tree falling.  We walked down to take some trash out and saw the tree.  This was our tarp tree - it grew with a piece of tarp stuck inside!  But it was at an angle and came crashing down into the woods.

Sadly, it took two other trees with it - you can see the root balls in this picture.  This is all in the woods but we'll have some clean up work to do at some point.

Then Jim switched to working in the wood shop - putting the new cabinet together!

The view from the front...

Then attaching the face frame...  I'm getting so excited because this cabinet is getting close to being brought upstairs!

Sanding the shelves...

And a coat of polyurethane to finish off the work day...

Time for Jim to head to the treadmill - where does he get all his energy?
High 73/Low 61 - few periods of drizzles

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