Monday, February 4, 2019


Jim's day started early - the guy who wanted the sawdust said he'd be here at 8:00 to pick it up.  Jim wanted to talk to him the first time because it depends on what he is using it for as to how meticulous Jim needs to be when vacuuming up the sawdust.  Jim took the 3 giant bags down to wait for him at the end of the driveway but by 8:30 he came back up, leaving the bags down there.  I left about 30 minutes later to pick up printing and run errands and the bags were gone.  Kind of frustrating - we'll see how it goes the next time Jim has bags.

Jim worked on putting the polyurethane on all the stained frames today.  After he does this, he obviously can't put dust in the air, so he left them be in the wood shop.

Today was the day that Jim's drill press was supposed to come by UPS freight.  He was told to expect the delivery between 1-5.  Jim had asked the driver to call a half hour ahead of time but that usually doesn't happen so Jim was kind of on hold.

He decided to work on installing the garage door opener extension kit today.  Unfortunately, that meant taking it down from the ceiling...

Nothing but the mounting brackets left...

Jim had to remove his angle piece that he used to stabilize the track...

Here's the new pieces...

Jim has everything put back together and ready to go back up...

But now the mounting brackets aren't in the right place...

Reworking those...

And it's all back in place!  Jim has to put the wires back into place neatly and then recalibrate the opener - that will be on tomorrow's agenda.

I called UPS Freight twice in the afternoon because it kept getting later and later.  The first time, they told me that there was an issue at the stop before us and they were still going to come.  I called again about 5:30 because we still hadn't heard anything - they put me on hold and came back on and said they were on their way.  Jim got a call right afterwards that the driver was at the street.  Jim had to get the Bobcat going and go down to the end of the driveway - in the pitch dark.  There it is on the back of the semi truck...

Jim using the forks to get it off the truck...

Starting the drive up the hill...

Pulling into the auto bay!

We finally got the replacement reflectors today too - that has taken half a dozen phone calls.  When we eventually got notice that they were being shipped, it was to our old apartment address!  Not sure how that happened since the last light shipment was to the carriage house, but it took another call to hopefully redirect that shipment.  Our first notice said it was being delivered Saturday - I even stopped by our old apartment and gave the new tenant my cellphone number in case it would show up.  So hopefully it's all taken care of now.  I shouldn't speak too soon because the UPS guy had left the box in our package box and I brought it up when we went down for the delivery, so Jim hasn't opened it yet to make sure it's okay.

It was a crazy weather day too after such cold days - we got up to 52 degrees!  We're wondering how all the melting and then refreezing will affect the driveway - guess we'll find out!
High 52/Low 34

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