Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Today was a bit traumatizing - how did it become winter so quickly?  We woke up to a good 3" of new snow, temperatures forecast in the teens tomorrow night, and another 3-6" of snow forecast for Friday.  So unfortunately, no outside building today.

Jim spent most of his day cleaning up and organizing - he totally cleared out the bay in the metal shop and moved a ton of stuff into the pole barn to go up into the attic.

He was hoping that in these down times he could do some work on the older 4Runner, enough to see if it would pass inspection one more time.  However, although it started right away when he went to move it up, the 4WD wouldn't work and it was stuck down the slope in the snow.  He eventually cleared off the other 4Runner and attached a tow rope to it.  I steered and he eventually was able to get it out

On its way...

Jim also spent time moving and rearranging supplies and scaffolding out of the front of the auto bay.  He had talked to the tree guy about wanting the tree down before Thanksgiving - which is next week already, crazy!  So he needs to be prepared in case he gets the call that the guy wants to cut the tree down now.  The plan was to have the siding on the barn but Mother Nature is not following that plan right now!

High 37/Low 20 - 3" of snow!

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