Thursday, February 2, 2017


Happy Groundhog Day!  This is always a special day in our house since it was my dad's birthday and my mom grew up in Punxsutawney!  The groundhog saw his shadow today so that means a longer winter!  Jim said that was okay - he definitely has more than 6 weeks of work to do before spring!

Jim had to start the day off at the doctor's office for a physical - this was with a new doctor so took a bit longer.  The doctor also had him get x-rays of his wrists to make sure there's nothing else wrong except for way too much use of them!

We stopped at the Drywall Center on the way home to pick up a few more pieces of track and studs.

I finally went out to check out all Jim's work this afternoon - it was so exciting to see things in person rather than just in pictures!  Plus, I was able to do a little cleaning for him.

This is the back of the closet in the master bedroom where Jim put down the foam board - you can see that there were lots of crazy tapered cuts in this area too!

He had also finished the rest of the studs in the wall separating the second bedroom closet and kitchen.

I like the fact that we are getting closer and closer to doing more work in the kitchen!  While Jim had the glue out (we have to bring it home so it doesn't freeze), he cut and put down the lower wall plate for the wall that will separate the banquette from the kitchen.

Jim continued his work on the knee wall in the second bedroom, putting up the rest of the studs.

Next is putting up angle to make drywall installation easier.

I unwrapped our shower base and set it in its spot - a job for another day!

On my way home, there was this a big flock of giant turkeys in the middle of the road - and you can glimpse more off to the right.  They were enormous and didn't want to move!

Jim got the rest of the angle up - it looks so much more like a real wall now!  He also put the light box in this room.

High 31/Low 14

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