Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Jim was working on filling in some studs in the front wall this morning when he got the call that Lowe's was on the way with our sheathing delivery.

Wow - that's a lot of building supplies on that truck!

The first thing on the truck was 2"x4"x that Jim will use for nailers for on top of the trusses.

Jim had the driver just dump them in a pile for the moment.

Then the driver brought various piles of sheathing and OSB.

This is the subflooring that we will use for the next level.  Jim did a lot of research for this material - it's wide enough to span the truss areas.  This wasn't supposed to be delivered today - Jim had worked all this out with the rep but here it is.  The rep also promised at first that all these piles would be covered; then later she said she couldn't do that and would throw in a roll of plastic.  Which didn't happen either.

This is our Hardi Board shake siding for the outside of the building!  This is all SO exciting!  We basically have all the building materials we need now except for the roof - and Jim has a quote out for that.

Jim and I moved the 2x4s on top of the trusses and later covered them up with the old house wrap to keep them dry.

During the delivery, Jim and I scrambled and covered all the various piles with plastic that we had to keep things out of the weather as much as possible.

It's a good thing we did, because almost as soon as the Lowe's truck pulled out of the driveway, the raindrops started falling.  We were hoping it would stop but it pretty much drizzled on/off all afternoon.  Jim went and ran a few errands - he stopped at the cement plan to talk to his rep about the concrete shortage during our pour, but the guy was out for the day.  Then Jim went to Lowe's and talked to his rep there - because of the issues, she gave him a roll of plastic free as well as a very discounted extra roll of house wrap! 
So while we didn't get to do much on our walls, still a good day.  Poor Jim said he has a million things he can do now in every direction - from backfilling, to bricking, to walls, and on and on.  We're still so thankful that we got our pour in - ever since Wednesday when it was beautiful, the forecast has included rain most days, even though it hasn't rained much.
High 71/Low 62

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