Sunday, October 13, 2019


The wasps were quieter this morning so Jim decided to work on installing the rain strip on the cantilever windows...

However, it's complicated and he decided he could do a better job if he took the window out and did it in the wood shop...

All done - carrying the window up the stairs...

Putting the window in makes me nervous because Jim has to put the window outside and then hold it in place while he fights to get it in both the upper and lower glides.  Jim is always cool, calm and collected though!

Fastening in place.  Once Jim got everything in place, he said the strips were so tight and it required a lot of strength to get the window closed.

One more window to go...

After Jim got both windows done, he was still perplexed at how tight they were and how hard it was to operate the window.  So he dug out the old rain strip and compared it to the new - very different.  The new strip is not only slightly bigger but it is much stiffer, which is why it's difficult to shut.  Jim was fairly discouraged about all that - it took awhile to get the parts because they sent them to the wrong address and now they don't fit right and this job will have to be redone.  The good part is that the windows are definitely tightly sealed for the window.  I'll call about getting replacements tomorrow and Jim will unfortunately have to redo this job come spring.  Sigh...some jobs never go away!

Jim also continued to work on making and installing more dormer framing parts...

While we still have the box truck (more news on that soon!), Jim wanted to go pick up plywood in it. We've had the property for sale sign hung up in the truck for years - Jim got it out and will hang it up in the pole barn.

Next, he wanted to get the log splitter out of the back of the truck.  He first tied strap to the Bobcat and the splitter and started pulling it out of the truck...

Once it was at the end, he was able to take off the straps and attach the splitter to the Bobcat...

Then take it out of the truck...

Next we headed to Lowe's where Jim bought maple cabinet-grade plywood (for future kitchen cabinets!)...

Strapping it down for the ride home...

High 60/Low 36

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