Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Jim started the day bright and early running errands.  He stopped at the concrete yard to talk about the exact concrete mix he needs - it has to be very specific for the ICFs.  He also arranged to have our favorite driver again - so we have concrete coming Friday!  Kyle is making arrangements to come and help so Jim is very happy about that.

Jim also had to go to the barn storage, get more rebar and talk to his Lowe's rep about getting the dimple board we need.  This board goes on top of the waterproofing on the outside of the ICFs. 

I had my own errands to do this morning - by the time I got to the land, Jim had gotten so much done!  He had to cut each of these wood supports, screw them into the steel at the top of the forms, pound a stake really deep into the ground (never easy with all the rocks!), and then screw the wood into the stake. 

Of course, all the time, he has to be very conscious of keeping everything level, plumb, and square.  Which is very difficult but things are looking great!

I went back to work on making more stirrups for support - we got them all done and put in the forms.  I'll  tie them tomorrow to make sure they stay in place.

Jim took the leaf blower and cleaned out all the forms.  It's important that the foam is clean inside and out - when you cut into the foam for custom pieces, all the little foam beads fall to the bottom.  If you do a lot of cutting and don't clean them out, it can cause problems when you pour concrete.

The last job for the day was putting expanding foam at the bottom all the way around.  The foam fills that void between the keys of the blocks and the footer as well as acts as an adhesive.  However, when Jim got everything out, the foam gun he ordered was nowhere to be found.  I had done the inventory, so I felt really bad that I must have missed the fact that we didn't have it.  When we got home, Jim checked the packing slips and the quote - the gun was on the quote request but not sent to us.  We have a call into the Nudura rep and Jim is also tracking down local sources. A disappointing end to a really successful day.


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