Sunday, September 1, 2013

Why, oh, why?

So once were up and ate breakfast, I started looking around the apartment. It has baseboard heating around the edges of each room - precisely where Jim said we needed to put books so it wouldn't be too much weight in the middle of the rooms.  I told Jim that as much as I hated it, I thought we needed to get a unit just for books.  Horrible thought - I hate putting my books where they are going to get ruined plus this would make our 5th storage unit. Our house check will slowly disappear with each month's rent. But I don't see any other option.

We called the same place where we have the other unit. They had a 5x10 available for $50/month. We set off to check it out.

First we had to stop at the post office.  I needed to cancel the change of address and sign up for a PO box for the fire school and us while we're in the apartment. The apartment has the mail box unlocked in the common area that's used by the dentist and other people in the building. 

Then off to the storage place.  It was a good enough size but not a great unit. The ones next to it had rubber seals...this one didn't. Jim went to see about another one - it was even worse. It was an end unit with visible holes - and we had no time to shop around. We took the first one.

After having lost well over an hour, we came back to the apartment and started unloading the truck.  It was extremely humid and warm so all of that faced with the task of changing strategy at the last minute - both Jim and I were on edge and wondering what the heck we were doing and why.  We were also trying to clear up some apartment room by taking things from the box room that could be moved to storage.  One of those times, I grabbed a biz. The lid popped off - it was my Christmas ornaments so bulbs and hooks went everywhere.  Ugh!!

I'm writing this waiting to pick Kyle up from the bus station at the casino. SO happy he's able to come up and help us. The plan is to work today unloading and rearranging - then he'll come back with us Sunday to say goodbye to the house and help Jim on Monday before heading back to the city Monday evening.

Once I got back with Kyle, Jim and I had had a chance to breathe and things seemed a little brighter.   Jim had gotten most of the apartment stuff off the truck.  We ate a quick lunch and then headed over to the storage units to unload books and other miscellaneous stuff.  That actually went pretty quick. I still hate leaving my books there but we figured we'd do it for the month and explore other options meanwhile. 

Then Jim and Kyle headed to the barn. We are going to rent three spaces there this winter so they had to compile everything to fit in those spaces as well as add all the new things we brought. That required a lot of moving heavy equipment and tools around yet again - including Jim's steel table!

Meanwhile, I stayed at the apartment and started unpacking things here. I had another Why moment - I miss my big, beautiful kitchen so much already!  Everything had a spot and I could be all organized. I think I'm going to have to get a shelving unit for in there - there's just not enough room. I'll see how it goes when we bring the dining room furniture back next week. 

The boys returned and were beat but happy - mission accomplished at the barn!  Unfortunately, they still had a few things to bring in plus they had to take out all the boxes I had unpacked in here. We all got our exercise today with 100 trips up and down this staircase!

We had just gotten done when the skies opened up and it started raining.  I said a prayer of thanks for the wonderful timing!

We showered and decided to head to Pope's for a pizza and beer to celebrate. We walked outside to see this glorious rainbow! Kind of a sign that all will be fine.

On the way to eat, we drive by the lot - our first chance today. It had stopped raining but there was a misty fog over the sunset that made the lot glow!

Quite the day!  Tomorrow is early church, Molly's Mason Jar for pancakes and then the trip back home. 

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