Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Jim actually got me for a minute this morning - we always look out the kitchen window in the morning before breakfast and he said he heard on the radio that we were supposed to get 8" of snow tomorrow!  And since that's feasible here, I actually believed it until I remembered that it was April Fools Day!

Jim spent a big chunk of last evening and this morning dealing with my computer problems.  I started getting notices that some emails were being rejected because my mailbox was full.  I always try and keep my mailbox in good shape because I get hundreds of emails between work and people wanting me to buy something!  But Jim looked at my webmail account and it showed I had over 11,000 sent emails!  I never even thought to go there and empty that folder out - oops!  Between the two of us, we probably spent over 5 hours deleting emails from the sent and then the trash folder.  The web mail was very slow.  We have them all cleared out now but Jim wants to do a little more to get all my devices to be synced.  Thanks dear!

Once he was able to get in the shop, he installed the other door.  Look out perfect they are now!

So that meant he could press on - he got things sanded and then started priming...

Things drying...

As if he didn't have enough with computer issues, Jim spent a little time at the end of the day working on my old computer that's now in the control room.  He's having issues reformatting the hard drive.
High 48/Low 31

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