Saturday, February 5, 2022


 What a glorious winter day - it really is so beautiful here.  The sun was so bright today and the air temperature cold, so the snow sparkled like diamonds.

Today was all about the bathroom cabinetry!  First, Jim got a coat of Heaven Sent (perfect paint name for Angel!) on the access door panel...

Even though it won't show, Jim just painted the inside edges of the opening as well...

We had two shelf units that we had in the bathroom - they worked great but it's time for them to go!  Jim is going to put this one down into the pantry room for me to use for some fire school or extra pantry storage.

Screwing in the access panel - hopefully we will never have to access the shower plumbing but if we need to, Jim will have easy access.

Finding the studs on the back wall...

Jim wrapped up the shelf cabinet so nothing would get damaged from the two-wheeler and then started making his way up the steps...

Slow and steady...

This was kind of a tight squeeze around the landing but this nice wide stairwell is the best!

Working his way around...

Bringing the cabinet in the house...

Fitting it in its space...

Looks beautiful!

Fastening the cabinet to the wall...

Next, the drawer cabinet is wrapped and ready to come up!

Coming around the stairwell...

Jim took all the drawers out but this cabinet is still heavier than the other one...

Coming into the house...

Setting it into place...

Starting to put the drawers in...

How beautiful!  Mom and I spent time filling everything up - I want to get some more organization baskets for the shelf cabinet but everything is so nice.  Jim has to get some maple plywood and then he'll make a shelf on top.

Doing a little woodworking to finish out the day before church!

High 17/Low -8

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