Sunday, August 8, 2021


Jim had to catch up on some paperwork this morning - never enough hours in the day for everything!  He did some moulding work in our bedroom this morning, working on this little area behind the door...

He shaved a little bit off the end of the cap moulding so that it fit perfectly in the little space next to the door frame...

In the afternoon, we were back outside continuing to extend the driveway area, make dirt and get rocks out...

This dirt pile is to be used for fill next to the pole barn where the lean to will go; the other dirt is mostly topsoil so we'll save that for other areas...

While we had so much dirt disturbed, Jim got the metal detector out to see if we could find any treasures.  We found a square nail, a really old bolt and a newer shotgun shell.  Still looking for the big treasure!

We picked up lots of smaller rocks...

Jim used the excavator to pick up all the big ones...

Things are really looking nice!

Jim brought up a bucket of dirt to see how it would go filling in this area...

Compacting it with the Bobcat...

A good start!

After he got things cleaned up, Jim headed into town to get more diesel fuel for the machines.  Once he got home, he watered our new grass seed areas - we were supposed to get some rain both yesterday and today but no luck.

High 80/Low 63

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