Sunday, August 15, 2021


 Now that Jim has new baseboard moulding pieces made, time to install some on the master bedroom wall...

Installing the cap moulding...

The moulding is all installed on this wall...

Jim put primer over the nail holes in advance of painting...

We headed outside in the afternoon.  Jim wanted to get prepped to install the meter pedestal top.  In order to get it from the car to the meter pedestal safely, Jim needed to make sure he had level ground to travel over so that the stone wouldn't get jarred and crack.  However, that meant going through the huge rock pile area.  It's astonishing how many giant rocks are in this spot...

He also wanted to get the upper lawn hydrant working so he would be able to use the power sprayer to clean tools and equipment off.  It hasn't been used in ages but Jim found the right key to the lock, hooked up the house and water came out - yay!  But it was a short lived celebration because then the water stopped.  This would be a huge job to try and figure out what's wrong with it - the valve is down underneath the freeze line.

That news kind of took the wind out of our sails for a bit but Jim presses on.  He got the stone loaded up on the Bobcat for its trip up the hill...

It made it safely - Jim is just leaving it in the bucket for now.  He found valves and connections and thinks he'll be able to stretch hose line from the lower lawn hydrant.  He brought some tools and the wheelbarrow up to the site - we'll be ready to go maybe tomorrow.

He did a little grass cutting to finish off the day.

High 74/Low 52

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