Sunday, June 6, 2021


 Jim continued his work in the moulding factory this morning - getting pieces ready to be glued...

Drying.  Including this, he'll have about 200' of boards ready to start the cutting process for the cap moulding!

In the afternoon, it was time to start getting ready to put the car lift posts in place!  Jim mounted his adaptor to the Bobcat forks...

He had to clamp a piece of steel in between the posts where he will be lifting to take stress off the post sides...

He first brought the Bobcat in and lifted the post enough that he could slide the dolly out of the way and put some plywood underneath so the posts wouldn't scratch the floor...

He hooked the chain on and started lifting the post up...

Going up...

And up...

It was a tight squeeze not to hit the garage doors - at this point, he was able to shut the garage door partway to give him more room...

He got it up off the floor just a bit, enough that he could maneuver the post into position...

Plywood out, post in place and Bobcat out of the garage!  Amazing planning - it really went smoothly!

There are two configurations you can use for the lift - narrow and wide.  Our first drawings were for the narrow but Jim wanted to try doing the wide configuration.  Measuring...

Making new marks on the floor...

Getting the other post ready with the steel piece in for lifting...

Rolling the post into position...

Bobcat in and post lifted so I could roll dolly out and Jim could set the end on the plywood...

Attaching the chain...

Lifting it up...

It's vertical!

Plywood out and maneuvering it into position...

Unhooking the Bobcat...

Wow - how amazing and professional does this look?  Such a huge accomplishment to get these up in place.  Lots more challenges to come but this is big!

Another view...

The Mini fits in just fine with plenty of room so there's no worry about opening doors...

Jim did some trimming in the yard before coming in - he definitely deserves a toast tonight!

High 86/Low 63

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