Thursday, October 3, 2013

10.3.2013 - Trench is all dug!

Another pretty day so it's back to trenching!

Okay, so this is the biggest rock to date!  It was crazy to watch Jim get it out of the ground.

It was too big to pick up so Jim had to use the Bobcat to just push it out of the way.

We got a lot done today and are really happy at the progress!  Even through this stretch with all the tree roots that made it fun.

But we are now basically done with the trenching down the driveway!  From this point, Jim will have to turn around and go from the street to meet up with the trench.  To take this picture, I stood at the top of the hill where we put the culvert across the driveway...that white spec in the distance is the excavator!

And this is a picture from that white spec of an excavator to the road!  So he will just have to trench through the area that he already cleared, cut those trees down, and moved the stone wall. 

There's of course still work to be done - we will have to crumb out the trench, put sand in the bottom and then compact it.  Then Jim will be ready to work on the area up top where the transformer will go.  But we should have plenty of time - still no poles in sight.

Our beloved Indians didn't do so well in the wild card game last night so they are out of the playoffs.  It was fun watching them here though.  Our Cleveland teams have another chance at redemption tonight - the Browns play the Buffalo Bills and it's a nationally-televised game. 

Leaf Peeper Pics...



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