Tuesday, October 29, 2013


This morning was the first frost on the car windshields that we've seen here.  The day still warmed up into the mid-40s but it was definitely cooler, especially when the sun started going down.  Plus, the work today was down at the bottom by the road which is all shady, so it made it cooler.

Jim worked all morning getting these two giant stumps pulled out.  These pictures don't quite show how big the crater was that was left behind! 

These are the "after" shots - Jim then filled in the crater and graded everything out nicely!

After lunch, it was getting to work on the last stretch of trench that is left - the leg leading to the utility pole.  This stretch is a little tougher because it leaves the driveway area and goes between trees.  So it's not easy to work in this area with the machines and there's not much room left for dirt, collected rock piles and workers!

This is where we started...

...and this is how much we got done when I left.  There's probably only 40 feet left to go!

As I was leaving, the sun was setting and it looked so pretty among the trees.

Of course, Jim still stayed and graded off the area where we worked...it looks great!

Jim had both of the machines down at the bottom of the hill working today because he used the excavator to get the stumps out.  Just that fact makes things more difficult.  It takes about 15 minutes to drive the excavator all the way up the hill to the top where he parks it!  Then of course he has to come down and get the Bobcat.  So after I leave to come home, clean up and think about dinner - Jim is still there grading and putting all the equipment to bed for the night!

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