Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today was our first day of seeing snow here in NY! would be a stretch to say that it snowed.  Jim called me to the window to look and there were tiny little spits of snow if you looked hard.  But we'll call it the first snow!  It warmed up by the afternoon to about 50 though so that was good although I think we are in for some wet weather the next few days.

Jim worked here this morning on some school work and planning ahead work.  He headed out to the land after lunch.  I had to run into Saratoga to pick up some printing and stopped on my way home.  He was working on cutting more of the driveway back to the carriage house site.  Hard to tell in this picture, but it's looking really good.  He forget to take a picture before he left in the evening, so I'll have to update it tomorrow.


I did forget one important thing that happened yesterday.  While I was picking out rocks while Jim was filling in the trench, I found this piece of a horseshoe.  Besides that being good luck, it's significant to us because when we were clearing the land back home to start building, we found a horseshoe there too.  Jim kept it in the shop the whole time we were there.  So it was kind of neat to find another one year...although this is a partial one.  But it looks really old too - we'll have to clean it up and see what's underneath the dirt and corrosion.

We keep talking about getting a metal detector - in this area, who knows what really old, historical artifact we might find?  In fact, there was just a story in the paper the other day that some work on a parking lot near Lake George (just a little north of us) had to come to a stop because they found arrowheads.

Tonight was the first Cavs game - we had signed up for NBA League Pass so that we could watch all the games here.  But the Cavs played Brooklyn tonight so after a call to Time Warner when we couldn't get the game, we found out that whenever NY plays, it's on regular broadcast TV and not on the League Pass channels.  So while we had to watch it listening to NY announcers, the Cavs won their home opener!  Go Cavs!


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