Wednesday, October 2, 2013


I didn't update yesterday but Jim got home about 7:30 or so last night - YAY!  I'm so happy to have him back and I know he's glad to be home too.  But it was a good trip for him - he got a lot done, we cleared out another storage unit, he got to talk to Bryan about some things - all is good.

He was anxious to get out to the land to do some real work though!  As he was getting ready to leave, our insurance guy called him and said that he needed to take pictures of my car.  I guess it's a state law here for insuring newer cars to make sure it's in good shape.  The insurance guy said he would come to the lot to take the pictures.  But it was kind of dirty since it hadn't been cleaned since it had been used as a moving truck, so I headed off to Saratoga to wash and vacuum it out so it would be ready for its photo shoot!  After that, I dropped the car off with Jim, took his car so that I could get diesel fuel for him and pack up some lunches before heading back.

It was another beautiful day on Angel - probably the warmest day yet.  Jim got busy working on the trench today and I was his faithful rock picker.  This stretch had a lot of big rocks in it because it crossed over another rock wall.  We eventually want to rebuild that one too - the history in those walls is just so intriguing.

Some of the rocks were so big that if Jim placed the Bobcat just right, he could get them out of the trench with the excavator and put them right in the bucket.  Didn't take too long to fill up the bucket with those big rocks, so he did a lot of emptying them too - we have a big pile up the hill and one down nearer to the road.
Lots of big rocks!
As we were working, a Verizon phone truck stopped at the street where it is marked for National Grid to put up our poles and made this marking on the road...

We're kind of assuming it says OK VZ - meaning okay with Verizon?  But no other information so we're just guessing.  Still haven't heard any update from National Grid either.

Jim made good progress today - we got down far enough that he had to use the Bobcat to scrape the ground to clear all the growth.  Luckily that's an area that he had already graded, so it was in good shape.

I told Jim that my job reminded me of being a ball boy/girl at an Indians game...very relevant since tonight the Indians are in the playoffs!  We're excited because it will be a national game so we can watch it here.  I even wore my Indians shirt in their honor.  But anyway, I do a lot of standing/sitting on the Bobcat bucket while Jim digs and then places the scoop on the pile for me to run up and grab the rocks out while he makes another scoop.  I have to be careful and make sure that I stay out of the way of the boom!  Jim watches out for me but he can't always see around him.
Jim took these pictures of me, unbeknownst to me - I told him he should be working but I can't complain too much since I constantly have the camera pointed at him!
As I was sitting on the Bobcat, this Danger - Avoid Death sign made me chuckle.  That's our goal - avoiding death!
Leaf Peeper was so pretty today.  At one point, there was a little bit of a breeze and the leaves were slowly falling and the sun was shining on them - they just sparkled as they fell.





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