Sunday, October 13, 2013

10.12.2013 - Started site work for carriage house

We discovered this morning in the newspaper that there had been a water main break in Corinth and we were under a boil alert - the schools were actually closed yesterday.  We don't typically drink tap water but I certainly use it for coffee, cooking, teeth brushing, dish washing - whatever.  So I'm doing my best to be conscious of that.  Keep checking the website but not sure how much they update that in this little village!
I stayed at home in the morning and worked more fire school jobs while Jim headed out to the land.  He's kind of at a standstill on the trench work until National Grid comes back, so he's actually doing some site prep work, which is exciting.
I took lunch out and took this picture on my way.  The picture doesn't do it justice but this is on Angel Road and the sun and trees were just so beautiful.

When I got to the land, Jim gave me a tour of the carriage house!  It's hard to see from this picture, but Jim has a basic footprint taped off just to get an idea of placement.  He's trying to cut the driveway heading to this area so he needed to figure out where things are possibly going to go!  I love the ideas he has and can't wait to see things really take shape in the spring.  But it was very exciting just to walk around and talk about what's going where. 

After lunch, Jim wanted to cut down some dead trees.  Again, pictures are hard to convey size - but check out how little Jim looks getting ready to cut down this giant tree!

Here it is on its way down!

You should have heard the sound that tree made falling down!  Then it was on to another one.  This one is more shaded so it's really hard to pick out Jim next to this tree - but it's another giant one.

And down it comes too!

And cutting it up so we could use the driveway.  Jim's big chainsaw was acting funny, so he had to use his little one.  He'll have to see what's wrong with the big one before he does any more tree work.


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