Sunday, July 10, 2022


 Jim had to drill through the side of the house again for the electric wiring for the compressor...

He got the drill all the way through...

Going through the masonry siding really chews up the drill bits, so Jim has to continually come in and sharpen them...

Making all the little holes around the spot to be able to break through the siding...

Putting the conduit through...

Good progress - next step will be to wire up the breaker box.

Then Jim switched to working on the pole barn, first modifying more brackets and attaching them to the ends of the ceiling joists...

Cutting the angles...

Putting the joists into place....

Once they were done, Jim had to start prepping to break into the back wall so that he can tie into the existing posts.  He had to trim a little off the edge of the siding...

Then started unscrewing all the fasteners on this first piece...

Siding removed...

Jim started cutting some of the existing structure to allow access to the posts.  At the end of the day, he tacked the siding back into place to keep the animals out.

Speaking of animals - another baby turkey sighting!  As Jim was coming up the stairwell, they were right outside.  By the time I got there, they were running down the back of the carriage house.  There were still probably 20 or so - they're so cute!

We saw a line up of baby turkeys in the evening!

High 78.8/Low 49.9 - beautiful!

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