Saturday, May 11, 2019


Jim installed the window frames today!  Fitting it into the casement window in the bedroom...

Putting some fasteners in.  Jim is just putting a few fasteners right now.  This window needs to be stained still and Jim isn't sure if he'll take out the window to do it or not.

Putting the blinds back up...


Since that went so well, let's repeat in the second bedroom!  Fitting it in...

Blinds back up...

All of the window frames are now done in the living space!  They make such a huge difference when you walk in the room.

Then Jim worked on the door.  He got all of the pieces planed to the right thickness...

Then he cut all the tenons in the pieces...

Later in the afternoon, it was time to pay some attention to the excavator.  Jim needs to use it to turn over the stumps of the trees we cut down so that we can start preparing the space for the generator.  So a rolling stone doesn't gather moss but an excavator apparently does!

Changing the oil...

There's a leak in a hydraulic hose somewhere so Jim took off some covers to get to the hydraulic plumbing.  He did a quick power spray of this area so he can investigate further.

But this day goes quickly, so it's time to get ready for church.

However, not before wishing Kyle a very happy birthday!

High 60/Low 42

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