Saturday, December 7, 2013


We woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground - just enough to coat the cars.  Temps were cooler but Jim headed out to the land again this morning.  Every day that he's able to dig like this in December is a blessing.

Because it's dark when he leaves, I always ask him to take a picture first thing in the morning so I can see what it looked like when he stopped the day before.  So these were the pics from Thursday night...

It's really getting big and deep!  Especially when you think that he's using an 18" bucket and has only been doing it for about a week and in crummy weather.

Actually, even though it was colder, Jim said it was better digging conditions today because it wasn't so muddy and sloppy.  I took this picture when I got there for lunch today.

Jim took this picture as he was leaving today.  With just our rough estimates, he probably only has to go back another 3'!  Obviously since he is stepping it up like he is there will be work digging from below, but having the footprint about done is in sight!

Jim called it quits early today - we decided to go to church this afternoon.  We've found a church we like in Queensbury - which is probably about 25 minutes away or so. 

This afternoon in Corinth was their annual Christmas parade.  It leaves from the elementary school which is right up the street from us and goes to the center of town, Corinth Beach.  There they do the Christmas Tree lighting and shoot off fireworks on the bridge over the Hudson River when it gets dark.  I just walked down the street to see a little of the parade...small towns at their best.

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