Friday, December 20, 2013


As I was walking to the Post Office, I finally got a better look at the cool machine that takes the snow from in between the sidewalk and the street.   I still am on the lookout for a photo op with the sidewalk plow machine!

This afternoon, Jim and I dressed in our new boots and coveralls and trekked up the hill to check on the machines.  Oh my - what a workout that was!  And I'm sure it was a couple of inches down since Jim originally went up right after it snowed.  But it was a tough hike up the hill - showed me exactly how out of shape I am I guess!

Once we made it up the hill, it was so gorgeous.  The snow was pristine - not a mark on it except for ours.  The sun was setting and it was just beautiful.

Jim started up the Bobcat and after playing around with it a little bit, got it to move!  It had been so frozen that it wouldn't budge but he got it going, so that was a big relief.  He went a little way down the hill plowing like this but when he turned around, it didn't want to come back up the hill!  The tracks on it are perfect for working in the mud and doing what we need to, but on snow, the wheels worked better.  Jim eventually got it going and then it went back up the hill fine.

Here's our carriage house foundation all covered in snow!

In the evening, we went down to Saratoga Springs to use our gift card that work had bought for us at a restaurant called Maestro's.  It's such a beautiful old building and they have these great outdoor heaters that shoot flames in the air.  There were even some brave souls sitting outside.  However, it was cold so our seats inside were just perfect!

Again, we had another great meal and a fun night!

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