Sunday, August 11, 2013

Weekend Update...

A chance to catch my breath and catch up on all the craziness around here.  It's kind of like Groundhog's Day...we are scrambling to get things done and pack. 

Jim has gotten the vents all done - that's a big checkmark.  Bi fold doors are almost done - just the final staining and then all the fitting and hanging.  Only one more door - the basement bathroom closet door - to go.

Bi fold doors

Panels stained
All assembled!
We decided to get another storage unit here - probably two.  We just don't have time to make a trip up/back to New York right now.  So we got a unit in Wadsworth that was a good deal.  Jim and I took our first load on Friday night - tools, scaffolding, shop misc.  We'll probably get one close by that we will use to store our furniture and start that process next week.  The plan will be to have everything out but a final truckload that we will take up to NY at the end of the month.  Then we'll have to make a couple trips back to get the rest of the stuff - after sleeping for days up there, of course!

All loaded and ready to go to the storage unit
We are a little nervous and will be glad when the next few days are over.  Tomorrow morning we are having the septic system pumped so that everything is good to go there - always one of those jobs that make you thankful that someone else does.  Tomorrow evening, the buyer is coming over to take some measurements and to go over a few things here.  We said we would go out to dinner - that will give us a chance to chat.  Then Tuesday bright and early the appraiser comes, followed by the inspections on Wednesday. 

Once those are done, we will feel ready to totally take the place apart and pack it up.  Right now, I haven't packed the library because it looks so nice with the books in it.  But I have been working hard to get other rooms going - the dining room is totally packed up and my office is all done with everything that I'm not going to be using.  I have a giant bag of clothes and misc to take to Goodwill tomorrow.

Bryan and Cindy are coming over in a bit - Jim wants to talk to Bryan about fixing the lift gate on the truck - has a major case of rust.  It will be good to see them and to sit!




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