Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Signing Day!!!

Another day of finding it hard to breathe!  It was my first day back to work and Jim had to go into school also.  So we were faced with two contracts that expired at 5:00 and we were in two different places supposedly concentrating on other things.

Jim went through the contract that the realtor brought over and emailed me some comments and words to address the door issue.  I called the realtor and told her I was emailing this list to her.  She talked to the couple and then called me back.  She said they were okay with not having the new basement doors in the contract but would still like to have Jim make them at some point.  The other main point was the time to get out - end of the month.  We said we would try but it was going to be difficult given that we still had things to finish up, plus pack and move out of state.  Doug said that we could store some things in the shop if we needed to after closing, so that might be helpful, although I also looked into some self-storage options here too.

But once we decided that we were proceeding with their offer, I had to do the task of letting the other couple's realtor know that we were going with the other offer.  I left a voice mail but was a little uncomfortable not talking to her.  I called her a little later and she answered...said she had gotten my message but had been busy -said she hadn't even told the couple yet!  I told her we were sorry, we really liked them but the other offer was stronger. She obviously didn't offer to counter and just said it wasn't personal.  I told her it was to us.

The realtor said that the couple wanted to come back one more time to just look things over before she had to return to Florida in the morning.  So she was bringing the papers over for us to sign and they were coming along.  They got to our house about 5:30 and we signed the papers!  CRAZY!!  We sold our house!!  Even the realtor said - only on the market for 7 days - unbelievable!  That's how long it was on the MLS and less than a month after the sign went in the yard.

But then the couple stayed and were talking and looking at the house.  The realtor was looking at her watch and wanting to escape, I'm sure, so they finally moved cars around and the couple remained.  For over 3 hours!  We have so much in common - it was almost kind of scary!  We joked that we wished we could be neighbors!  But we truly feel like we are turning over our home to people who will love and treasure it like we do.  It was nice hearing the comments they made about other homes they saw and what kept drawing them back to ours. 

Now the craziness really begins - the clock is ticking!!

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