Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Wild Ride!

Yesterday was an absolutely crazy - in a good way - kind of day!  And very surreal!

The young couple's realtor came over yesterday at 10:30 to present us with their offer.  First, she goes through pages and pages of comparables that she pulled to justify their bid.  Really fire hoses you with all this information which isn't quite as comparable as she would lead you to believe.  That's been our issue with everything from Zillow to this...the quality and features of our house don't compare to others with the same square footage, which is basically all they look at.  Anyway, to their credit, they took the highest price per square foot that she could find in her comparables and upped it to come up with their bid - she said that's proof of how bad they want the house.

We thanked her, took the bid, and she left.  After a few minutes of celebrating/screaming (that would be me!), we had to come up with our next game plan - namely, telling the realtor of the guy from Florida that we had another bid.  We came up with notes and I called her.  I basically reminded her who we were, that she had brought him through our house last Sunday, and that he had come back afterwards by himself (which she didn't know).  I also told her that he called us Monday saying he was flying his wife up from Florida and they wanted to look at the house this weekend.  She said that she was putting the schedule together now and they would come to our house on Sunday afternoon.  Then I told her that we weren't trying to play games and she didn't even need to let the couple know if she didn't want to, but that we had just received an offer for the house and had to let the other people know by Sunday afternoon.  She thanked me and said she would definitely tell the couple.

Not too long afterwards, I got a call from the Florida guy.  He said he understood we had received an offer and told us congratulations.  Then he said that his wife was coming in at 5:00 and wanted to know if they could come see the house as soon as she landed.  He said that the realtor had a few houses for them to revisit/look at and he was afraid his wife wouldn't have enough time to look it over thoroughly.  So we took a deep breath and said sure, come on over.

Then it was crazy time...Jim had been working on some duct work downstairs so he had stuff all taken apart.  Plus he had been working on getting the doors up so that they would be done when they visited on Sunday as planned.  Quick change of plans and poor Jim had to try and finish up the duct work and then put everything back together.  He had been busy in the workshop making doors so it wasn't as clean as he liked, so then he had to clean it all up.  And of course, I got busy cleaning the house yet again.

Duct work work

Linen closet access door installed
Thumb pull put in linen closet
Jim's closet doors temporarily installed
After a slight delay because of her flight, they arrived and spent over an hour here again. His wife was very nice and seemed to like the house. The young couple who bid were naive enough to be so outwardly exuberant and fussed over every part of the house; this couple is older and wiser and not as bubbly. However, I pointed out to Jim that he told her every detail of the house from his visits here, right down to the blinds because she would say, he told me about this, or, I want to see this because he told me about it. They left asking again when we had to respond to the other offer. is possible that we will have two offers this weekend - how unbelievably crazy is that? So we are thinking today will be a quiet day and we might hear something this evening or tomorrow morning. Until then, we'll press on while our emotions are bubbling like crazy under the surface.
This morning, Jim went over (in his lawyer brain mode) the contract from the young couple.  Although it appears to be boilerpoint, there are some things in there that he has serious questions about - especially the contingency notes.  It may be time to talk to an attorney.  This brings back bad memories of all the Millersburg covenant nightmares.


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