Thursday, July 11, 2013

Starting to show the house...

So the first person called Monday and wanted to look at the house on Tuesday evening.  The downside was that she told me upfront that she was a realtor but was looking for a house for her family.  I knew going into it that it wouldn't work - she wanted to know if she could have horses here!  But you never know where it will lead, so we set up a time for her to come.

Which of course threw Jim and I into panic mode.  It's been raining every day for over 2 weeks - broke a record - so lawn work was sorely needed.  He cut the grass, he brought out dirt from the woods and I transplanted some pachysandra by the porch walkway, and he did a ton of cleaning of the pole barn.  By the time she came (late, but she called to say she would be late at least!), we thought everything looked great.  She seemed very impressed, took a page worth of notes and stayed an hour.  We were kind of wiped after she left.  Jim said he needed a beer, and since it was after 8:00 when she left, we headed up the street to the Mexican place.

While we were there, I got a phone call from a woman who sounded perfect.  First - her name was April - how cool is that with our last name?  :o)  She asked about the price, taxes, heating and then proceeded to tell me that she was a serious buyer.  They had just sold their house, had to move Monday, and wanted to stay in the area.  She wanted to come see it right away, so we said Tuesday evening.  We were really excited!

Jim went to work on Tuesday and I got everything spiffy, even though it was fine since we just showed it the night before!  But then the monsoons came.  It started really raining hard and there were severe thunderstorm and tornado warnings everywhere.  Jim said the rain was horrible on the highway and that parts of Ridgewood had water coming over the road from the ditches.  Great.  But all of a sudden, we hear knocking on our door and it was April - early and with her mom in the car.  She said that she had lost power at her house, her mom's basement where they were storing some of their stuff had flooded and they were on their way to clean things up.  She still wanted to see the house.  But she was literally there 10 minutes - ran from room to room with us following and trying to point out things to her.  It was fairly comical.  She said wonderful things, was really funny, and we were optimistic.  Until she was leaving and she said her husband might want more land.  So now Jim isn't feeling so optimistic.  We'll just have to wait and see. continues.  Jim is doing some ductwork in the basement and then is going to start making the closet doors...obviously quite the project.

Fingers crossed for the right buyer!!!

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