Saturday, May 10, 2014

5.8.2014 - Submitted plans!

This was a red-letter day - Jim took the carriage house plans to the Building Department and applied for a permit.  There are some issues that we are really nervous about - a bit unorthodox building plan and materials, their requirement for stamped plans.  So it was good to at least get this process started so we can deal with it one way or the other.

However, it turned out to be slightly anti-climatic...the building inspector has out of the office until probably Monday.  So now we wait.

Jim continues to do what he can - the site is in great shape and there is nothing more he can do to the foundation site until we get the permit, can order materials and can start.  So he's still busy doing some grading on the driveway areas, did some cleaning up and chipping of tree remnants - everything is looking really good.

He also went to the barn yesterday and found his little case of electrical tools that he had been searching for.  How he found it in the stacks of our tools and storage that is the barn is beyond me, but it was good to see him walk in the apartment last night carrying that little bag.

There have been a few weirdness issues too...three suppliers that Jim has been working with and developed good relationships with have left their job.  First was the well guy - after the well was put in last year and Jim went to contact him with some pump questions, he found out that the guy had left the company - and it was a family-owned business!  Then, the insulated concrete form person from Vermont that had been so helpful to Jim, even met him here in town, left the company.  Then today, we found out that our windows are in (yay!).  Jim had made it part of the deal with the windows guy at Lowe's that he would keep the windows at the store until we needed them.  So Jim went in to talk to him and...he had left the company!  He eventually talked to someone who said they would store them there but it took some doing at first.  Jim said he's trying really hard not to take it personally!

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