Friday, January 31, 2025


Yesterday was a busy day, catching up on paperwork and work time for me.  In the afternoon, we went and visited Mom and then went to donate blood.  

Jim's continuing to make progress on the cabinet pieces...first edge gluing on the cabinet top... 

Starting millworker on the side panels...

Using the jointer...

Millwork done for bottom shelf placement...

You can see all the millwork required to put these edge pieces on the cabinet top so that no end grain shows and Jim can put a cove finish on...


Doing final sanding on the shelves...

High 32.3/Low 18.7


Wednesday, January 29, 2025



It's completely impossible to believe, but today was the 40th anniversary of our first date!  I love you more than ever, dear!

He started assembling the door and side frames today...

It snowed overnight and all morning, and we ended up with about 5" of pretty new snow.  Jim waited until it stopped snowing in the afternoon to go out and clear the driveway.  He was able to use the snow blower this time...

Gluing one of the doors...

So exciting to see everything come together!

High 35.4/Low 15.9 - 5" of snow

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Another busy day of paperwork, phone calls, scheduling appointments for Mom.  I stopped in to see Mom over her lunchtime, which was nice.  

Meanwhile, Jim continued to work on the cabinet.  Sanding the primed pieces...

Hand sanding...

First side painted...

Working on the top of the cabinet.  It's complicated because it will have an edging as well as needing to connect to the side and front frame pieces.  Doing some measuring...

Millwork taking shape...

Fronts painted...

High 32/Low 16 - temperatures dropped all day and we are under a winter weather advisory for 3-5" of snow starting tonight through the day tomorrow.

Monday, January 27, 2025


Kind of behind on the blog; it was a busy day yesterday.  We wanted Mom to have a comfy chair in her room and so we went shopping for one before we visited with her.  It should be delivered Wednesday to the facility, so that's good. 

Jim continues to be busy in the shop in between life and visits - planing pieces...

More pieces gluing...

Getting ready to glue more...

The two shelves are done and ready for final sanding...

Priming the back side of the panels and the inside of the frames...

A coat of primer on the other side...

This will be the top of the cabinet - Jim has to add a front piece so that it won't have end grain showing, so he's prepping that...

High 37.1/Low 18.9

Saturday, January 25, 2025


It's been a tough few days!  On Friday, we packed up Mom from the rehab center, did all the paperwork there to transfer her to the Saratoga facility.  After completing 40 pages of online paperwork the evening before, we had lots more paperwork and interviews to do once we got her to the new facility.  Plus, there are all new rules and procedures to figure out, including that we had to label all her clothing and belongings.  Mom seemed to settle in quickly, and they took her to play Bingo while we worked on paperwork.  We went and saw her today and then went to church.  Time to take a few minutes to breathe!

High 26.1/Low 2.3

Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Jim continued working in the shop today on the cabinet.  Here he's measuring and preparing to make the panel inserts...

You can see the millworker on the panel to fit in the grooves of the frame...

Panel millwork done and fit...

More gluing...

High 25.1/Low 7.5

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Jim took the 4Runner to Tubb's this morning to get it inspected for the year.  Thankfully, it passed with flying colors.

Down in the shop, he glued up the other side panel for the upper laundry cabinet...

We went and visited my mom this afternoon, only to get home to a notice that norovirus is going around.  Sigh.

Jim worked a little more when we got home, sanding the shelves...

High 18.5/Low -3.2 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Working on the planer to size cabinet pieces...

Shelves and one door frame in the gluing process...

The other door frame gluing...

First side panel ready to start assembling...

Marking placement...

Side panel gluing...

High 16.4/Low -2

Monday, January 20, 2025


A good quote to remember on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as well as every day!  

Jim and I headed south today for his allergy testing appointment.  This is basically just to rule out any allergic issues that are causing some of the throat annoyances he's been experiencing.  Allergy testing has come a long way since I had it as a child and even when the boys did.  This was a picture of the subcutaneous tests.  He only showed minor reactions to dust and mold - probably like every other person on the planet!

Jim helped me with some computer issues when we got home and then headed into the shop to continue cabinet making.  He cut and sized the inner panels for the sides and doors...

Prepping more wood for shelves...

High 19.9/Low 5.6