Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3.9.2015 - road trip!

Jim has been spending time trolling Craig's List looking for a brake (a tool that allows you to bend flashing, siding, etc.) as well as an auger for the Bobcat.  This morning, one of those listings led to a quickly-organized road trip to Massachusetts to look at a brake.

It was a pretty ride - the area that we went to was about the same distance as it would have been to go to Boston, but instead was north and in the middle of the state.  They didn't have near the snow that we do.

We did see a few interesting things...like this innovative building for a bank ATM.

We met this guy in a pizza place parking lot.  Jim was happy with the condition of the brake and they loaded it into the back of our 4Runner doing double duty as a pick up truck.  Jim had taken the passenger side seats out so I sat behind him for the trip.  The brake is really big so it stuck out the back and Jim had to tie down the hatch.  Which meant for a little bit of a chilly ride home. 
It was late when we got back into town, so we stopped at our favorite nacho place.  And Jim found the perfect heart-shaped nacho for me!  True love!

This morning we headed to the storage unit to unload the brake.

It's in really nice condition and will be a big help in the future.  Jim does a great job anticipating what we will need and trying to get it before it's needed.  There won't be time for road trips this summer!

All tucked away in the storage unit.

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