Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back on Angel!!

We got up this morning and this was our first stop. It's so gorgeous up here - always gets us excited about getting started. Our champagne bottle remains as evidence of our closing celebration. And Jim looks so happy up here on his new home turf.

And Jim looks so happy up here on his new home turf!

We did a few things in the little time we had...went back to the Bobcat store for Jim to order a couple things he will need. We even stopped at a little motel to see about rates for Jim staying about a month.

One of the strangest things happened as we were leaving the lot. We had hoped to find a new State Farm agent in the area - Jim had found 4 in the area. We were literally stopped at a stop sign discussing which agent might be best based on their online profiles. We look up and this sort of obnoxious looking totally decorated State Farm SUV drives by advertising one of the agents! Jim and I just looked at each other and started laughing - can't get much of a bigger sign than that!

Then it was on to pick up the car. We decided not to leave the Honda on the lot - just didn't feel right. So we'll dive both cars back.

All of the car transactions went really well and I'm thrilled with my new car. It's just perfect for me as far as size - I feel really comfortable in it. The 6 speed is a little different to get used to.

We took our time driving it back - took some back roads which were really pretty. Stayed overnight again in Owego - had pizza and beer at The Dugout again. Then drove it slowly home.

So all in all it was a quick but very worthwhile trip.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to New York!

Call us crazy but we're on our way back to NY! Part of the plan for moving is that I would need an AWD vehicle for the weather there, the driveway and even for this winter here in Ohio. We had thought we would get a used CR-V since those are the only manuals available any more. But after the heater core started leaking into the passenger compartment of my 14 year old Honda and it was a very time-consuming repair for Jim, we started thinking a new one would be smarter. I didn't think paying $30,000 for a car we'd be using during the messy building project sounded too smart. We started looking at Suzuki SX4s. They really aren't much bigger than my Honda which I like but they have AWD. Plus they really seem to offer a lot of value for the money. Of course the manuals are hard to find and we wanted the technology package. We test drove one in Cleveland, but they couldn't find exactly what we were looking for in their first 150 mile radius sweep. But it just so happens that there is a dealer real close to our land - and they has just the car we wanted and we got a good deal. So here we are on the road to go pick it up! I'm really excited.

It will be so good to see the land again. Jim still hasn't decided if we are going to leave my Honda there or drive both cars home. Either way we'll take it slow on the way back. We have reservations in Albany tonight and at a hotel we've stayed at before a few hours into the ride back on Monday.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Shopping for excavators!

Now that we have land, one of the next steps is to buy a mini or midi excavator. So today was our first adventure. We started the shopping in Sidney where Jim got to test out the 3 they had for sale. Then it was onto a place only a couple of miles from where Jim built his first house! I think that has good karma. They had a nice midi so we'll see what he can do on price. A fun day!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's really official now!!

Oh my gosh - it has been a couple of crazy days waiting to hear for sure that the owner signed on the dotted line to make the land sale official.  The lawyer first said it was going to be Monday, then said "in a couple of days."  Then he emailed on Tuesday evening and said he was supposed to take the papers to her attorney on Wednesday for signature.  So we waited all day and then all day on Thursday and heard nothing!  I was really getting nervous and was afraid she was going to back out.  Jim kept trying to keep me positive but after all the other disappointments, it was hard.  But, finally today the title lawyer called Jim and said that he had received the paperwork yesterday afternoon!  So besides the fact that I'm upset that our own attorney didn't contact us after the owner signed, we are SO excited!  It's now official - we own 17.6 acres of gorgeous land!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Closing frustration continues...

Just heard from the lawyer that he's still waiting to hear from the owner's lawyer when she is able to come in and sign the deed over to us.  She knew about the August 1st closing date for about 6 weeks - why the delay?  Makes me very nervous.  Jim sent a response back to the lawyer asking his opinion into the delay, but when it boils down to it, I guess she's holding the cards at this point.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Back here at the lot before we leave for home. We've spent so much time here that it's really hard to leave, especially since we don't know for sure when we'll be back. It's good motivation to get everything done at home to get the house sold and our loan paid off.   We did take this opportunity to put up some No Trespassing and Private Property signs up.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Closing day!!

The day is finally here - August 1st, closing day. It's not til 4:00 but we're up at the land this afternoon until then. Another beautiful day here - it's been perfect weather.

We spent some time walking around the lot and then we walked down to the street to find one of the corner pins from the electric co. We met 2 of our neighbors! Joe lives across the street and Lorraine lives next door - both were incredibly nice and offered whatever assistance we need. I like it here already!

YAY!!!!! Just got done with closing although Jim said the lawyer took years off his life. Couldn't explain anything to us. But it's done - well, sort of because the owners weren't there. So still slightly nervous - the atty is supposed to do the deed exchange Monday.

We celebrated with some champagne at the lot still not quite believing it all!

Tonight we had dinner with Susan the realtor and her husband. It was interesting conversation. Her husband builds houses (although he doesn't do all of the work!) so he might be a good resource for Jim.

We're pretty wiped - kind of an emotional day!!  But something very cool...tonight was a full moon - just like it was on the night we got married.  I think it's a great sign!