Yesterday went by in a flash. We had an errand to do after lunch in downtown Saratoga. We don't get there much these days and it was a reminder how much we love how close this wonderful city is to us. After we finished there, we headed to see my mom, and then onto church. It snowed much of the day, accumulating probably 3".
Of course, we are still awaiting our gas delivery, so today Jim plowed the driveway once and then later back dragged it again, just to make sure the driver could get up.
This afternoon, I went and visited Mom and then did a couple errands on my way home. Jim was working on installing the molding inside the shop bathroom...
The new switch for the furnace came in late in the evening yesterday, so Jim got it from the box today and installed it. The furnace is working great, so he'll just have to keep an eye on it and make sure it stays that way, and the switch was indeed the problem.
High 35.9/Low 17.6 |