Friday, January 8, 2016


As is the pattern now that it's  cold, Jim worked in the shop in the morning and then started building up the scaffolding in the back so that we could reach the next window opening.

We needed to add one more 2' section and were able to hand them out the window so Jim didn't have to drag them up the scaffolding.

Time to start installing the window - putting the corner flashing and bottom flashing on the sill.

We brought up 2 windows from our pile in the shop - although we don't have plans to put the other window in now, at least it's up in the apartment space.  We got the window all unpacked and ready to go and then Jim carried it over and set it in the window.  I hold it in place while he has to get down, go around to the back and climb up all the scaffolding.

But we got it - all in place and Jim is fastening it!

The view from around the corner of Jim working on fastening the window in place.

Once it's fastened, time for all the tape flashing.

The window finished, our next task was to tear down the scaffolding.

With the scaffolding down, our two latest windows look awesome!  We have now put in 9 windows - there are 2 more in the apartment and then 2 in the stairwell.

But here came the really hard part - Jim needed to set up the scaffolding in this back corner so that he can move forward to working on the walls of the stairwell.  But as you can see, the ground is buried under thick, crusty ice and snow.  I had to go up to the shed to get the pick out so he could try and break through.

He managed to get one side in but the other side had to go into the side of the hill.  So not only did he have to break through all the snow and ice, but he had to go through the frozen dirt and rocks too!

One side down - the really tough side is next.

To make things even more fun, you can see that the electric wire comes down at this point and is buried under all that snow and ice.  Jim had to be extremely careful not to cut through that.

You would think you could just pull the wire out but this ice was so thick and hard that Jim had to totally expose the wire before it would budge.

After a lot of hard work, Jim manages to get the other side of the scaffolding to sort of go in place!

A little more work and it's perfectly level and good to start building up!

We just put 3 sections of scaffolding - Jim is hoping that's enough for now to do what he wants.

The side view...scaffolding all in place and now we'll be ready to move forward on the stairwell.  It was huge to get this up in place - if we couldn't, we would be kind of stuck.  Rain is in the forecast for Sunday and we're afraid what that might do to our icy terrain - could make it even worse since the temperatures still get so cold at night.

But we're celebrating - a big accomplishment today due to a lot of hard, physical work on Jim's part!

Once we got done with that, our final task of the day was to put up some plastic on the windows we probably won't get to this winter.  The big living room one is right above the pile of bricks on the ground so those would all have to be moved before we could set up scaffolding - plus this window is too big for Jim to get up the ladder by himself or for me to hold it in place by myself. 

This plastic will help keep rain and snow from coming inside hopefully.

High 34/Low 26

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