Friday, January 22, 2016


Jim went out this morning to do some prep work for our work this afternoon.  Everything is getting icy and slippery again so Jim wanted to put a little gravel down on our path.  But you can see that all the gravel in the bucket is frozen solid!

So out came the pick... that he could get enough gravel to throw on some of our slippery slopes!

Jim made the header for the door this morning and when we went back after lunch, it was time to install it!  This header had to be put in differently...Jim basically had to build the wall around the header.  So he put in the double stud next to it...

...and then lifted it up.  This was a heavy header - lots of different steel pieces put together and then it is 5' long.


He clamped it higher than he needed it to be so that he could do the rest of the frame.

Now it's time to build the frame around the header.  First piece of channel with the tabs fitting around the studs.

Making sure it was level and then attaching it to the studs...

Then the track goes on top of that...

...and gets all fastened together.

Then the header is put on top.

And of course more fastening!

Hmm...standing on the newly-installed header to fasten the stud to the top track.

Time to cut some steel to make the top frame.

Putting the top frame in place and then fastening it down...

Now that the header is done for the door, it was time for a couple of really long pieces of steel - maybe the longest we have left to do...maybe!  These pieces go on top of the wall so that the individual wall sections will act as one as well as to give the needed support for the roof rafters to come.  So first the channel...

Fastening it down...

Again with the standing on the header to do more fastening!

Trimming the track piece for on top...

...and lifting it into place.

Making sure everything fits tight...

...then doing all of the fastening again!

Don't try this one at home...last of the fasteners for the day!

High 24/Low 9

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