Wednesday, January 27, 2016


The slightly warmer temperatures and sunshine of late combined with the cold nights have made our ice issues even worse.  Jim got a call that they were going to deliver his steel order today and Jim wasn't sure that they would be able to make it up the driveway.  In fact, when he moved the box truck from the top driveway to the lower one so that they could put the steel on top, the box truck got stuck on the ice and Jim had to shovel gravel underneath the wheels to get it moving.

So he spent the entire morning shoveling gravel!  He got 5 Bobcat bucketsful of gravel and hand shoveled it along the driveway tracks.  That was a ton of work - I told him he used up all his building energy doing that!

We ate lunch in the truck down by the road so that Jim could talk to the driver.  If the driver didn't think he could make it up the hill, Plan B would be to off load it at the end of the driveway and Jim would have to use the Bobcat to get it all up the hill - not something that would be easy to do.

Thankfully, the driver had no issues getting up the driveway since Jim put the gravel down.  Here's the first bunch of steel being boomed off the truck...

...and the second.

This steel should be enough for the stairwell roof as well as for the wall of the utility room and bathroom in the shops.

This is a picture of the steel mounting plate Jim made for the landing track on the outside wall - you can see that the joist hit in the middle of two studs.

Now that Jim knew the exact spacing of the joists, he got the two fastened down that he put up yesterday.

Then he put in all the rest of the fasteners to attach the track to the carriage house wall.

More joists are next...

Fastening them down to the track...

Jim needed to make two more joists...

Putting the next one into place...

...then the last one.

Since this is the last joist and where the stairs will attach, Jim put a piece of track on the other side of the joist to make it a stronger box beam.

Making all the connections on the box beam...

Beautiful!  The first landing infrastructure is finished!

High 36/Low 14

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