Monday, January 18, 2016


Since we woke up to maybe an inch of snow on the ground this morning, it reminded me of something I read in the paper yesterday that I wanted to make note of - as of yesterday, we had gotten 4.3" of snow since December 1st.  The average snowfall for that same period here is 23.1"!  We continue to be so grateful for all the blessings that allowed us to enclose the carriage house!

It was a cold and windy day though - Jim stayed at his desk in the morning, working on the next phases of our project.  He needs to put a steel order in for the stairwell roof as well as interior walls for the utility room in the downstairs shop and the bathroom in the woodworking shop.

After lunch, he ventured out to the site.  He had to go through some of the steel inside to kind of inventory what is there to help better plan his next order.  Then, he got the tracks cut and marked for our next wall section on the stairwell. 

One of the things he's been wanting to look into was the gun for the welder.  It stopped working when we were finishing up details on the deck - thankfully, we were able to finish up without it because there was no time for repairs at that point.  But he took the gun apart today and found a broken wire to the trigger that he was able to repair.  So that's good news - all this time spent getting tools and equipment in good shape will pay off in the spring!

Jim also brought home some painting supplies - we'll be starting that project in the apartment soon!

High 21/Low 6 - wind chill -2

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