Wednesday, December 27, 2017


We are definitely in our deep freeze now with really scary temperatures starting.
However, we are so grateful that the carriage house is able to maintain the heat Jim puts in it, thanks to how tight its built and all that insulation. 
Jim spent all day working in the stairwell.  He first had to work on the floor.  We had put the Advantech down originally and had to order longer screws to put it down.  So it wasn't all fastened down.  Jim worked all morning on it - he had to move everything out, vacuum really well including between each board, and then use the crow bar to get everything perfectly aligned.  Then it required predrilling and finally putting all of the screws in.  So that job is done!
After lunch, he moved on to angle work.  He had first bought a special piece of splayed angle for the hips with one side really wide.  But after doing the other hip a different way, he wasn't happy with this side.  So he took it all apart!  Then he redid it, using smaller pieces of angle that fit between each rafter - and of course he had to do that on either side of the hip.

You can see how everything comes together at the bottom.  He was able to use the angle piece that he took off for the top of the wall.  He's much happier with this approach - it will make a better end product when he attaches the drywall.

He had cut some pieces of drywall for the front side but nothing was attached.  He got that all attached and started working around the side.  He had to take apart the receptacle and then got that wired back.  Looks amazing!

As I write this, Kyle and Julia are on their way here to celebrate Christmas with us!  We hated to see them travel in this brutal cold but are excited to see them.

High 15/Low -8  Brr.....

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