Wednesday, December 13, 2017


The wintry conditions outside sure made us thankful for all the insulation work that's been done so far.  Jim continued doing more...the stairwell is almost done now!  Jim left this top little piece done until he gets the rest of the angle for attaching drywall put up.

As a temporary measure until we can get the man door in the metal shop to fit a little better, Jim even stuffed insulation around the edge just to make sure the cold stays outside where it belongs!

Jim spent a big chunk of time today working on the door opening into the utility room.  He had to make steel pieces to get the opening the size he wanted, then he made the wood door frame.  He also stuffed all the cavities around the door opening.

This is a view of the utility room from the metal shop - it really is an enclosed space now!

 Mid-afternoon, we switched focus to drywall.  Jim got the last piece on the front wall cut and we got it marked.  Then Jim moved it over into position...

He first put the top piece up and then we got the sheet up and Jim started fastening...

Jim still had a few more screws to put in, but we decided to move downstairs.  We first moved the furnace into the utility room. 

Jim had to made a wood cleat to go between the next two pieces of drywall...

It's always a challenge to get these pieces into place...

It's in place and Jim is cutting out the receptacle...

Putting in the rest of the fasteners.  He then finished up the rest of the screws on the piece upstairs before calling it a night.

We're in for a really cold spell so the temperatures are very worrisome since we have water in the building and no real heat.  However, we are keeping the heaters on to regulate the temperatures above freezing.  So far, all that insulation work is paying off and temps in both utility areas have remained in the 40s.  All fingers and toes crossed that all will be safe over this next week!
High 20/Low 11

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