Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Now that we have our new range plug, Jim spent quite awhile hooking up the wires to the plug.  You can see how thick the wires are so they are very difficult to bend and get them where you want them.  Unfortunately, Jim got it all wired up and then discovered that the plug won't fit in the adapter!  So he had to take everything apart.  He'll have to find another adapter.

Jim finished up the framing details in the ceiling over the banquette in the kitchen.  You can see he has all the angles for attaching drywall in all the different locations.  Since he lowered the ceiling and moved the intersection with the rafters, now there is room for the light boxes and they can be centered over the table.  He got the first light box installed.

He also worked in the kitchen and installed some recessed light boxes.  It's difficult to find the exact right spots - you have to project where the upper and lower cabinets will be as well as the appliances.

Jim redid some of the wiring and broke into the circuit to allow for the garbage disposal plug and switch (we forget that originally - too much to think about!).  So he got it all back together and wired up.

Jim got his second pneumonia shot yesterday at Target while we were out.  He felt absolutely fine until about 3:00 when his arm started aching and he couldn't do any more work above his head.  So he changed gears and unpacked our new toilet!  Jim wanted to make sure there were no cracks so he opened up the box.  This was extremely heavy - over 100 pounds probably - because they had the tank, the toilet and seat all in one box. 

I had planned on going out to the property this afternoon but Jim called me and said that the driveway was all iced up again because of our warm spell and subsequent freezing.  In fact, when he first got to the property this morning, he turned into the turnaround to then back up towards the house like he always does (makes it easier to just drive out straight in the pitch dark!).  However, his car slid and turned sideways into the snow pile at the bottom!  It took him quite awhile to inch his way out and be able to get up the incline.  I would have been terrified - so I stayed home!
High 44/Low 13

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