Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2.1.2017 - First Apartment Insulation!

Insulating the apartment with all the different roof lines and the fact that we are working with steel is going to present lots of challenges.  Jim started tackling one issue today.

In order to build the knee wall, Jim needed to figure out how he was going to insulate the area behind the wall.  Because this area is also the ceiling for the wood shop, it needs to be well-insulated to provide a thermal barrier.  He came up with an approach, tried it out, and then felt confident enough that he put glue down for the bottom wall plate.

Using foam board, Jim cut a piece 24" to fit in between the rafters, then cut it in half so that he would be able to get it in the space. 

You can see how he had to custom fit each piece, including making taped notches to match the rafters.  Plus, he modified the caps from the staple gun and fastened a drywall screw to hold everything snugly into place.  I wish I would have been there to document all this because Jim said he had to basically lie on the floor and contort his arm around the blocking in order to fasten all this down!

Because there were still small gaps, Jim used spray foam to fill all those areas.

All done!

The next step was to put foam board along the same angle as the rafters and fasten that with the same caps.  This way, Jim will be able to tuck the rafter insulation behind these boards.

That task done, Jim was able to put some studs into place!

Jim also did this same procedure in the back of the master bedroom closet - more pictures to come!  So a great start to the insulation project and this piece of the puzzle figured out!
High 36/Low 19

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