Thursday, December 3, 2015


Finally the rain and drizzle stopped - but we were pleasantly surprised with the amount of water in the upstairs shop.  Yes, Jim did some water control over the last couple days but it was a fraction of the lake it used to be after a rain.  Our roof and waterproofing is definitely making an impact so we can't wait to finish it up!

This is the stockpile of steel that Jim cut over the last couple rainy days!  There are 3 rafters, ceiling joists and blocking!  (See how dry this area of the shop is!)

So it was back to sheathing this morning...

I continued to measure and mark the pieces and then Jim cut them.

And of course did all the heavy lifting!

Fastening the sheathing down...

Last of the full width pieces!

The last row is smaller in width - so Jim can cut a piece of sheathing in half and use both sides.

Starting on the last row...

The last piece had an angle at the top and bottom!

Putting the last piece in place!

Jim finished up screws on the existing rafter.

Looks amazing!!

Marking where the next rafters will go...

Jim has 3 rafters made - so we put the biggest one up first.  Jim measures to make sure it's in the right spot.

Then the smallest one on top is next...

Then the last one that we have made is in place.

The underside's very exciting to see this last section of rafters come together.

By this time, the sun was setting and it was becoming pretty dark.  Thank goodness for lights on drivers so that Jim could finish up the last screws!

The steel for the last 2 rafters came in so Jim will head there first thing tomorrow morning and be back on rafter building duty.
 Although we'd love to be further along seeing that it's December, looking back at the blog makes us realize that we are making great progress.  It was October 7th when we started building the first gable wall - so we have done an incredible amount of work in less than 2 months! 
High 43/Low 28

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