Saturday, December 12, 2015

12.12.2015 - Main and Shed Dormer Roofs all Sheathed!

This was a milestone day - finishing up the last piece of sheathing and details on the roof!  Jim and I are both SO glad that the roof work is done for now - so stressful!  Here's how the day went...

First Jim had to put drip edge on the bottom and on the edges of the roof.  He first tacks it down with the crown stapler and then goes back and puts a stainless steel roofing nail to make sure it stays down.

Here it is - the last piece of sheathing!  Jim had to push it up the roof...

...and put it into place.  Only to remember that he needed to notch the corners a bit to mate up with the other roof sheathing.  So he had to bring it down, hand it to me through the window, mountain climb up and down the roof and come inside.

Marking the two notches needed for a perfect fit.

Okay - last piece Part II! 

Done!  It was a perfect fit and that's the last piece of sheathing on this main structure roof! 

Fastening down the last piece...Truly, we questioned whether we would ever be able to get the roof done before the winter weather arrived.  Thankfully, due to a combination of hard work and mild weather - it's done!  The most important part is that now with the roof on, it's pretty safe from the elements.

All closed in from the inside - looks awesome and is such a relief!

Unfortunately, there are still lots of details to go.  Jim had to put membrane on this piece which was a little difficult because of the titanium already on the shed dormer roof.

Then he put the titanium underlayment on top of the membrane for added protection.

Now to cover the ridge vent temporarily until we can get the actual shingles on.

However, now that the roof is all sheathed, there is no place for Jim to tie his rope for his harness.  His harness kit came with a roof anchor - it basically goes over the ridge and allows Jim to use the opening to strap into.

Jim took this birds-eye view from on top - all done!!


The roof looks amazing - and it looks done!  (Sorry if I'm repeating but we are so excited to be at this point!)

Jim promised that once the roof was done, he would move onto the next phase with a new pair of gloves.  His old ones had no life left in them.  The roof work was hard on his work pants too - perching on the toe boards with his knees on the OSB made for holes in all his pants.  I patched them for a little more life!

Guess it's time to retire my marking board - I used this board to mark down all the measurements that Jim would call out to me so that I could get the next piece ready for cutting and marking.  Not much space left on it!

No time to rest on our laurels - it's time to move to the next task which is sheathing the front wall!  Unfortunately, that required some scaffolding work first.

Once Jim adjusted the planks and platforms, he was able to reach most of the first course.  The first piece was a full piece of plywood so after I marked it, out between the studs it goes.

First piece on this course is up!

Cutting the angle for the side piece...

And out between the studs it goes.  We won't be able to do this much longer!

Corner piece all in place.

Then Jim used his cordless saw to cut the window openings out.  First one side...

...then the next!  Check out that view from the window!  This spot is where we will have a banquette in the kitchen - perfect!

Wow - the front is taking shape.  However, he couldn't reach the very top of these pieces well or the next course, so it was time to really rearrange scaffolding.  Because Jim has the corner piece fastened, he can take down that tower and use those pieces to build higher.  (It's already scary high!)

However, this is certainly a daunting task this high up in the air for one person.  The first piece he moved onto the rest of the scaffolding.

The rest had to come down piece by piece - each time moving platforms and wood planks so that he could work his way down.

Then we carried the pieces up and onto the deck.  Jim was able to move them out through the studs.

Building up another section.  Tomorrow, Jim will strap the scaffolding to the house to make it more secure since it's so crazy high.

We are absolutely thrilled with today's progress - and we're ready to get back at it tomorrow!  (Well, maybe after a little rest for the body tonight!)
High 51/Low 39

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