Friday, December 25, 2015

12.25.2015 - Merry Christmas!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!  We went to Mass last night so this morning was quiet and calm. 
We headed out to the site - it was a fun way to spend Christmas.  We had the local radio station playing 48 hours of Christmas songs cranking and the weather was beautiful - we felt very blessed!
We got the next piece of sheathing cut...

Strapping had to go on before we could get started...

Then Jim was able to pull the sheathing out through the wall studs.  This one was easier than the big one we did yesterday - thank goodness!

Pulling it up and setting it in place...

The inside is looking like an inside now!

Jim had to adjust the scaffolding platform - him standing on the very top of the ridge made me very nervous!

The sheathing fastened, the next task was to put in window #6!  Corner flashing first...

Then the tape flashing...

These windows are the ones that we had to reorder because code required egress windows for the bedrooms.  They are actually smaller in size than the original windows but they open differently.  These were being stored in the ground level shop so Jim had to carry it up...

...and on up the ladder into the apartment space.

Since this wasn't a double hung window, there was no place for me to hold the window while Jim fastened it in place.  He put this piece of wood on the outside so that I could hold it.

Fastening the window...

All fastened - let's test it out!

Putting all the outside flashing on the window...

That piece of sheathing and installing the window were the last jobs that required Jim to be out on the planks that bridge the scaffolding tower to the scaffolding on the roof.  So that means it's time to tear down scaffolding!

...and rebuild it on the back side of the carriage house.

Moving up the big planks...

...and getting them into place.

Next plank coming up...

Then Jim fastened the two planks together so that they act as one plank.

End-of-the-day view....  We made good progress plus we are ready to hit the ground running tomorrow!

High 52/Low 30

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