Wednesday, January 9, 2019

1.9.2019 - Pole Barn Inspection

It looked pretty nasty outside this morning - we had gotten a little snow and then some sleet/rain mix so we were left with a thick coating of frozen slush everywhere.  Jim went out and used the Bobcat to try and scrape some of that off.  It was above freezing today but we are headed down into bitter cold temps starting tomorrow, with lows going below zero.  So all that slush will freeze.

But the big news of the day was our pole barn inspection.  Jim called Bob, the part-time building inspector, this morning and asked him to come out so they arranged it for 1:30.  He came out, looked it over and gave it his stamp of approval!  So that's huge - we don't have to worry about a permit expiring or trying to get things done in nasty weather.  We can wait until spring to do the floor, garage door and soffits.  Jim worked so hard in such bad weather conditions to get this done - I'm so proud of him as always!

In between all that, he continued working in the metal shop.  He made these gusset boards to strengthen the corners of the garage door and to mount the hardware.  He had to bevel them to fit with the existing boards and then prime both sides.

Since the UPS guy made it up the hill yesterday to deliver our lights, Jim was able to start working on those.  He had to use his nibbler to carefully make the knock-out hole on the ends of the light fixture bigger so that the could attach his conduit coupler.  You can see there wasn't much room.

He had already attached the mounting plate to the bottom of the deck, so he was able to mount the light...

He had to bend the conduit to be able to make the connections....

Conduit attached...

Then he started wiring - this light is in the second bay.  

He had to repeat all of those steps and got another light mounted with conduit in place in the 3rd bay.

High 38/Low 24

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