Saturday, September 16, 2017


Jim worked all morning cutting the rest of the tile for the bathroom, including using the grinder to cut the small pieces.

 After all the tile was cut, Jim took it up and scraped the floor to make sure there were no high spots.  Then I vacuumed - we're ready to hopefully put it down tomorrow.

This morning, Jim also got the trim pieces all painted.

Then after lunch, it was time to install them. 

Putting up the trim board underneath the gable rake...

Putting the last trim board to fit around the corner trim...

Then Jim got the first piece of fascia board cut and primed...

When Jim painted the conduit the other day, the scaffolding was too high and he couldn't reach the bottom.  With sections down, it was time to finish painting...

 Once the painting was done, time to take down more scaffolding...

Because of dirt run off, this last scaffolding tower was really buried!

So was our electric line!  Jim got the pick out to unearth it.

It required lots of careful digging - didn't want to hit the cable or electric wires.

Once Jim got to the conduit, it was a struggle to get it totally free.

Of course, then he had to maneuver the conduit up the electric wire, where it will eventually tie in to the other conduit.  But since the conduit was a long, straight piece, it was hard to get it up - I held one end of the wire while Jim maneuvered...

Finally up! 

We left one section of the far tower up so that Jim can do the little pieces of finish siding under the window.  But how crazy does this look?  Won't be long before we're able to start backfilling!

Not quite done with scaffolding work though - we started building up a tower in front of the stairwell.  Jim will use this to access the very top peak of the siding, as well as eventually putting on our half-round window and dormer and then the remaining roof work.

We built up 3 sections...

Even after all that crazy physical work, Jim still had a little energy left so we headed up into the apartment.  He started measuring for the next piece of drywall...

This was a little difficult to maneuver this piece because it's the full width of the room.  But Jim got it up on the lift...

Then up in place and fastening it down.

Once that piece was in place, he was able to rewire the light so he could see a bit better!

Putting the rest of the fasteners in...

Next, Jim connected a brace to hold up the final piece on this ceiling area and was able to get it up and in place!

I saw this scene this morning when I went to the post office - there was a whole row of ducks just standing on the very edge of the beach - none apparently wanted to be the first to venture in!

High 81/Low 58

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