Tuesday, January 3, 2017

1.3.2017 - First circuit in apartment done!

I stayed home all day yesterday to work on fire school work while Jim headed out to the property to do electrical work. 

He got lots of detail work yesterday - like having to drill holes through layers of studs for electric pass throughs.  Grommets won't work in these areas so he will have to use conduit.

He even started running wire in the wall between the bedrooms!

Jim also did a little more experimenting with baffles for the rafters.  These have the tails that tuck down past the sheathing. 

Jim started today off by going to the electric supply company to pick up some grommets and a few other parts and pieces he needed.  He also wanted to see if they had grommets for the small 2-1/2" studs - the ones we have are too big.  They had smaller ones, but they are special order and could take at least 2 weeks to get in.  So Jim went to Plan B.

Plan B consisted of using his hole saw to drill a hole at the bottom of the cut-out in the stud.  However, you can't use a hole saw to make a hole bigger; it requires a pilot hole to start out.  So Jim came up with a jig he could use to make it work.

Using the hole saw...

The finished product!

That hole allowed us to be able to put a grommet on - great idea, Jim!

Some of the smaller studs had bigger openings - so we trimmed the inside piece of the grommet.  That worked; however, the bigger opening allowed the grommet to slip through so that didn't work.  Jim ended up cutting just a sliver off one side - just made it slightly smaller so that he could fit the grommet on but it wouldn't fit through the opening.

For all the double studs that Jim had to drill through, he put conduit through the holes. 

Once all the detail work was done, it was time to run wire to all the receptacles.

Wiring up the boxes...

Living room receptacle circuit is all finished!

I had a job to do today also - I went into each room and drew a quick sketch of each wall surface laid flat with basic measurements.  Jim will use these sketches to draw up plans to enable him to figure out how much insulation and drywall we will need.  It sounds easier than it was - with all the different room lines and ceiling heights, there was lots to draw out.  I told Jim he'll need me to interpret my drawings!
High 36/Low 33

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