Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Well...it turned out to be quite the day!

It started out normally with Jim doing prep work early.  He got out the laser level to make sure that the lines for the brick would be the same on both sides of the first garage door.  Then he marked all his lines.  He's taking this section slowly - it takes awhile to make sure to get all the corners done perfectly so by doing just one row at a time, it gets built up without taking too much off the mortar viability time.

This row on the side required brick ties - you can see how many Jim has to attach just on this row!

Cutting a few more bricks to get started...

Mortar's ready - time to brick!

Starting on the front...

Jim also prepped this course in the back - this is the last step on this section of the wall.

Then working along the side...

Jointing the front...

...and the back.

End of the first batch...

Clean up time!

After lunch, it was time to prep for the next batch, which included bringing up another cube of bricks.

Mortar's ready...

Adding another course to the front...

Working along the last step on the auto bay - another corner to deal with too!

Jim was working on the side of the building when he got another kidney stone attack!  Of course there is no good time for that, but being in the middle of brickwork would definitely not be a good time.  It's not like you can just walk away and pick it back up tomorrow.  Things have to be finished or else taken off, plus the mortar has to be cleaned from all the tools and equipment.  Jim had to just lay on the floor of the workshop for quite awhile until he was able to get up.  As it seems to happen for him, he then felt okay - okay enough to finish the batch of mortar!

Jointing the front...

...and the side.

Unfortunately, right after Jim got done jointing, he felt bad again and had to lay down.  After awhile, I started trying to clean up with just water until he was able to get the power sprayer going and get everything cleaned properly.  He's feeling much better now so hopefully it will stay that way tonight!
High 84/Low 62

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