Monday, June 6, 2016


I had to start the day with a 7:00 dentist appointment for the first appointment for my crown after I had my root canal in April.  Then I went into Lowe's and had more paint mixed - they had a rebate going on and it was the last day.

Meanwhile, Jim was really busy moving scaffolding!  He took down most of the towers that were in the back and built up so that he could start working on the trim boards on the west wall.

Once most of the scaffolding was down, you can really see the fascia and trim boards that Jim has up.

Always scary - making the planks to reach from the scaffolding tower to the scaffolding that is set up on top of the auto bay roof.  Jim is fastening a toe board underneath for stability.

I did more painting of the 2x8s that we bought yesterday.  These should be the last that we will need for the rakes.  I told Jim that after painting the Miratek trim board, these boards feel like balsa wood when you pick them up!  I don't know how he is able to lift the Miratek so high up in the air and get it into place.

Jim is putting up the plywood backing first...

Once Jim got the plywood pieces staples into place, he had to go back and fasten them.
I also did some clearing out of some sheathing we had stored in the apartment - Jim is probably going to advertise that someone can have these free.  So I carried them down and set them up on a pallet.
We also did a little more lawn work at the end of the day - I put down more grass seed in places and Jim did some more work on bringing dirt over to the side of the driveway.  It should be ready for seed tomorrow. 
High 79/Low 56

1 comment:

  1. Sharon, you ROCK if you wrestled those 3/4" panels down 2 flights of stairs by yourself! Wow!
