Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Today felt like we made some real progress on getting the apartment organized and comfortable.  Yesterday, Jim got my computer all set up and then worked on his when I went to bed.  So now we both have access to our computers and are able to do what we need to.

When we were at WalMart yesterday, we bought a cheapo bookshelf to put in the kitchen just so I could have some extra space to put things.  Jim spent awhile putting it together this morning - for such a cheap piece, you should have seen all the parts and hardware!

Jim had to do some errands like taking care of some insurance business, so he left after lunch and I got busy tackling the house.  One of my big issues was that Bryan was going to be coming back with us on this next trip and we had nowhere for him to sleep.  I know he won't be expecting fine accommodations, but I wanted him to feel comfortable.  That first required opening up all the boxes in my office and getting things organized in that room.  Jim set up the steel shelves we had in the basement in that room for me so that certainly helped.  I worked enough that I finally cleared enough floor space that we could put the double bed mattress in there and then put down the queen in our room.

When Jim got back from his errands, he changed and headed to the land.  He had to finish changing the oil in the truck and wanted to do a little minor tweaking on it before our trip back.  Then he did some digging with the excavator to see how that project is going to go.  But one thing very interesting happened - as he was leaving the land, the son of the people that we bought the land from drove by and stopped.  He introduced himself to Jim and they talked about how much his dad loved the piece of property.  Of course, Jim told him how we fell in love with it before they did some timbering.  This guy said - yeah, we got rid of some of the pines but we left the good trees.  Yikes!  We miss those giant pine trees they cut down even though it's still gorgeous.  But he's in the excavation business and told Jim to let him know if he needed anything done.  Jim mentioned that he needed sand and he said he could get him plenty of sand - and the price was much cheaper than we could get back in Ohio so that was great news! 

Jim actually ran 3 miles when he got back from working at the land while I continued unpacking boxes.  Tomorrow is trash day here and you should see the boxes of torn down boxes we have for them to pick up!  It felt good to get them all out of here.

Here's some pictures of progress at the apartment...

Kitchen shelves
Bathroom organization
My office area - complete with guest bed!
Our bedroom is looking a little more relaxing
Tomorrow will be a long day of driving - well, for Jim at least!  I just get to be a passenger this trip.  But lots to do to get organized before we leave, so I'd better close off and get to bed!

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