Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Jim started his day working in the metal shop.  He continued making his conduit matrix for wiring, extending it over to the first light in this bay.

The middle light in this bay is the main control light - all of the power comes into that box and the switch wiring will be connected there as well; then from that light it branches off to the other two lights in this bay so they can all come on at once.  Jim got the first light all wired up and the reflector on.

This shows all three lights - the back light is all wired up and the reflector on as well.  Jim needs more conduit to take the matrix over to the front of the space to hopefully get the wire to be able to fit in the existing conduit over to a new switch box.  If we get out this week, we have to pick up a few supplies.

After he did as much as he could on that project, he went up into the wood shop and started working on window frames.  He had some wood pieces rough cut but he had to do a lot of planing today.  He got both of the window jamb extensions made for the double window in the living room.  He still has to do lots of millwork but they are looking good!

Right on schedule, the snow started falling in the early afternoon.  We are under a winter storm warning for up to 15", including some ice and wind.  Jim headed out late afternoon to plow what had fallen so far before it got too dark.  We had about 6" when he went out.  He had some issues - the snow is very light and slick - since there is still some ice on the driveway, it made it incredibly slippery.  In fact, he had issues with the Bobcat both getting down and back up.  To compound issues, the chute didn't work great this time - just when Jim thought he had it all in hand.  Then it started sleeting as he was finishing up, so that made for an ever slicker surface.  We'll see how it goes overnight - we just pray our power stays on!  Jim is as prepared as we can be - filled up more buckets with water and has raised the temperature of the wood shop floor to keep heat in the building.
High 18/Low 17 - winter storm, 6" so far!

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