Thursday, April 12, 2018


Jim planned to make this a painting day.  There were a few items that he ordered at Lowe's and electrical supplies to pick up from Home Depot, so I made a parts run this morning and then dropped everything off.  That way I could see for myself how good the ceilings look now that they are just about dried - they look fabulous!

This morning, Jim worked in the control room.  In doing his testing, he found that one union was leaking a bit.  He at first worried about his solder joints but so far all of those have been perfect!  Taking things apart to get the union off required a lot of work...

At lunch time, he looked at the union to see if he could see why it wasn't seating - he had tightened it as much as he was comfortable doing and it still leaked.  But look where Jim is pointing...there's a manufacturing defect in the seat of this section - when tightened, it made a slight indent in the other piece - hence the reason it was leaking!  He already ordered a new part.

Jim painted our first ceiling...the laundry room!

Next, Jim spent time sanding all the edges of the walls we textured yesterday in the second bedroom and the entry way.

After that, his next project was priming the bathroom.  Jim wanted to use a special vapor barrier primer in the bathroom to help keep the warm moist air from penetrating to the cold outside temperatures that could cause condensation issues.  However, this primer was a bit more difficult to work with - it was very thin and caused lots of splatters (check out Jim's hands in the above picture!).  Plus, he primed the ceiling with it which was doubly hard.  A start...


He used up every drop of primer in the gallon can we bought and got all the areas done that he wanted.  There's a bit more to go with the regular primer but the hard parts are done!


High 49/Low 39 - bit drizzly in afternoon

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